Life Long Education
The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. ~Bill Beattie
Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013
Banyak Sekali Peristiwa yang Terjadi....
Politik, sedang ramai-ramainya saat ini. Pendidikan pun tak kalah tengah bergejolak dengan UN-nya. Ekonomi terganjal dengan kenaikan harga BBM yang secara tidak langsung meningkatkan inflasi. Banyak pola sosial masyarakat yang mulai bergerak mundur, dengan munculnya idola-idola dari golongan kiri. Budaya demikian dipuja, seolah sebuah bangsa terlihat jaya jika budaya jaman purba demikian beraneka. Analisis media massa telah mengarahkan gaya berpikir masyarakat untuk lebih senang mengoreksi orang lain tinimbang memeras otak mencari celah untuk memberi solusi permasalahan.
Hmmmm, demikian banyaknya, begitu kompleksnya masa-masa 2013.
Lihatlah, tahun depan, akan terjadi pergantian tampuk kepemimpinan kepala negara kita.Itu momen besar yang akan berpengaruh pada semua sisi kehidupan politik, sosial, budaya, hukum, pertahanan, juga agama. Semoga yang menjadi Presiden nanti dari seorang muslim.
Tahun ini, mulai diberlakukan pula kurikulum 2013, meskipun belum semua sekolah. Baru beberapa sekolah pilihan yang menjajaki sejauh mana keefektifan kurikulum 2013 memberi jawaban pada tuntutan jaman. Langkah besar seperti apa yang akan kita lihat dari menteri pendidikan periode berikutnya?
Yah, semoga, saya berkesempatan mengupas satu persatu hal tersebut diatas dengan lebih mendalam pada posting berikutnya.
Selasa, 12 Maret 2013
Jumat, 22 Juni 2012
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011
My 'Second School'
Finally, the day’s coming, when I have to deliver my knowledge. SMN 2 Kledung, there I will be stand in. The fresh air, beautiful scenery, great teacher team and my hard work skills are kinds that I need. And, they were ready welcoming me. Five classes in every grade must be bright. I am a teacher. I MUST be the best teacher for them, lead them into an enjoy learning activities. I must be creative to bring them ahead. What I should do then are makes the best habit in teaching, tell the best material, deliver in clear explanations, bring all the things as creative as possible, and hold my greatest purposes, DAKWAH.
I’m DA’I before anything. I’m here because Allah gives chance to me. This IS the time for me to prove to Allah, that I will be the way He wants.
In the name of Allah.
Senin, 09 Mei 2011
I am a Teacher!
So many things i didn't tell you all. Especially this last almost a year. Everything has changed. No matter I tried to stop it, it happened. I graduated on October 19th 2010, last year. Then I got my job in Magistra Utama, just 3 month. Yeah, it just because of my Jilbab, then i got out of that School. Subhanallah, the other chance came then. I've been welcomed as a real teacher in SMPN 2 Kledung, Temanggung. I'm teaching there now.
Someone is coming to my life. It's also another story I haven't told you.
Whatever things come and go, I enjoy my tarbiyah....
Thank you Allah
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010
UKKI's Jacket
Alhamdulillah..Finally this jacket was clear, and all of my friends could take this jacket. I'm so sorry, there were so many agendas i had but i didn't tell you. Actually i wasn't in Lingua Base as 'pengurus' anymore. I'm in UKKI, as an entrepreneur's staff, i mean the secretary. The leader of this department is Mr Thoriq Hidayaturrahman, while the Big Boss of UKKI itself is Mr Didi Nurjamaludin. We had so many agendas in UKKI, but the biggest and the greaters were DEKLARASI MORAL and TEKAD II UKKI. i love my friends in UKKI so much...
Jumat, 05 Juni 2009
Mau Mbunder ni..
Walaupun sampai jungkir balik murojaah, tapi alhamdulillah bisa kelar juga.
Ni habis ini mau personality school. Wah, q bawa snack buat ntar...smoga berkah...
tapi tadi ndak ikut kajian Bu Yoyoh nih.......hiks..hiks...